Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Wing here, with my first report from Life in a Strange Land Far Away. These people keep weird hours. They sleep ALL NIGHT. Fortunately, the food is pretty okay - there's just not enough of it. It took me about 2 seconds to get used to these "treat" things. (I'm pretty smart.)

The other inmates seem okay. The three boy dogs and I did a bunch of sniffing, no biggie there. The little furry varmints with the pointy ears make some interesting noises, but I don't really care about them much. (Except their food smells pretty good! And they didn't share.)

The "crate" thing is not really cool...except - wait! I got this rubber thing with cheese in it, and...maybe it's not so bad. Yeah, I think I can just hang out in here for awhile.

Exhausted...more later!

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