Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wing Update

Wing has been here since Tuesday (4 days), and she has already come a long way. She was very restless the first day - now, she knows how to pass out on a dog bed. This morning, she finally figured out how to take a treat from my hand. (She is a great eater. No problem there!) She's learned that she likes petting a lot and wakes up several times every night just to come find me for some lovin'.

In fact, Wing is a big lover girl! She is sooooo sweet - she'll just melt you when you pet her face, and she looks at you with those brown eyes. Jessie thinks she's the bomb!

We've had no accidents in the house. She hasn't even tried; seems to be housebroken already. She had learned "lie down" by Thursday. She's smart and very eager to please. Wing has no interest in the cats, so far. She crates fine - a little whiny, but a cheesy Kong works wonders.

She's still limping on her back leg. We're giving her pain pills and restricting her activity until that gets better.

I just love Wing. She is going to be somebody's bestest friend!

(But I do want to know one thing: why is every Greyhound obsessed with Slim Shady the Schnauzer's bed? They DON'T fit in it!) :)

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